Medical libraries

ALIA Library

Creating the health librarian professional workforce for the future

ALIA Universities and Research Libraries (URLs) ACT and Australian Government Libraries Information Network (AGLIN) ACT Seminar, 9 September 2015 Canberra: change, challenges and opportunities - recasting your library skills
The ALIA URL group provides a networking and information-sharing forum for all levels of library staff interested in issues and trends affecting the development of university and research libraries. 
This seminar presentation investigates the future skills and competencies required by health librarians.

International health library associations urge the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) to seek information specialists as peer reviewers for knowledge synthesis publications

International health library associations encourage journal editors, through the International Commitee of Medical Journal Editors, to actively seek information specialists as peer reviewers for knowledge synthesis publications and to advocate for the recognition of their methodological expertise.

ALIA-APLA submission in response to the Australian Government National Preventative Health Strategy consultation, April 2021

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA), the Australian Public Library Alliance (APLA), and ALIA Health Libraries Australia discusses how public libraries support people to gain information and health literacy skills; and the role of health libraries as important sources of information for medical students, researchers, clinicians, and other health practitioners.


ALIA-HLA submission to the National Health and Hospitals Reform Commission, July 2008

This submission from the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and Health Libraries Australia (HLA) recommends the development of a system-wide, sustainable, national framework for cross-jurisdictional and cross-sectoral cooperation for health libraries to support the education and training of health professionals.

Worth every cent and more: an independent assessment on the return of investment of health libraries in Australia [infographic]

This infographic refers to a study released in 2013 which suggests that hospitals, government departments, associations and other organisations involved in healthcare gain a $9 return for every dollar they invest in health libraries.


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