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Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) Fact Sheets

The Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) campaign ran throughout 2019. The campaign focused on why librarianship is one of the most trusted professions in Australia and how people working in libraries (whether LIS qualified or from another discipline) promote the free flow of information and ideas in the interests of all Australians.
The series of fact sheets address poverty in Australia, homelessness, gender equality, and early literacy, language and learning.

All Things Considered

Article from INCITE September/October 2021 Volume 42 Issue 5.

Discussion of how scenario planning can help inform decision-making processes in libraries when setting strategic directions in times of uncertainty.


Online Storytime: Second Quarterly Report April-June 2021

In 2021 the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) is piloting a scheme where publishers can permit the use of their Australian picture book titles in 'Online Storytime 2021' in return for a small annual payment from public library branches.
The pilot follows the popularity of Online Storytime in Australian public libraries during the COVID-19 pandemic, where Australian children and caregivers embraced the online reading of picture books by their local librarians with many hundreds uploaded since April 2020.
This report provides an overview of the program for the second quarter of 2021.

Great Australian School Libraries Campaign

In October 2015, FAIR (Freedom of Access to Information and Resources) joined with the Australian Library and Information Association, ALIA Schools, Australian School Library Association, Queensland School Library Association, School Library Association of NSW, School Library Association of South Australia, School Library Association of Victoria and the Western Australian School Library Association to seek nominations of Great School Libraries across the nation.
This document summarises survey results gathered in the Great Australian School Libraries Campaign nomination process.

Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) Fact Sheet Template

The Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) campaign ran throughout 2019. The campaign focused on why librarianship is one of the most trusted professions in Australia and how people working in libraries (whether LIS qualified or from another discipline) promote the free flow of information and ideas in the interests of all Australians.
The template has been used to create a series of fact sheets address poverty in Australia, homelessness, gender equality, and early literacy, language and learning.

Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK): 10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge

The Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) campaign ran throughout 2019. The campaign focused on why librarianship is one of the most trusted professions in Australia and how people working in libraries (whether LIS qualified or from another discipline) promote the free flow of information and ideas in the interests of all Australians.
The series of promotional posters address "10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge".

Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK): 10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge summary (black text)

The Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) campaign ran throughout 2019. The campaign focused on why librarianship is one of the most trusted professions in Australia and how people working in libraries (whether LIS qualified or from another discipline) promote the free flow of information and ideas in the interests of all Australians.
This promotional poster summarises "10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge". The poster is designed with black text.

Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK): 10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge summary

The Truth, Integrity, Knowledge (TIK) campaign ran throughout 2019. The campaign focused on why librarianship is one of the most trusted professions in Australia and how people working in libraries (whether LIS qualified or from another discipline) promote the free flow of information and ideas in the interests of all Australians.
This promotional poster summarises "10 ways library and information professionals promote truth, integrity and knowledge". The poster is designed with white and black text.

Cooking for Copyright Day: 31 July 2015

Through FAIR (the campaign for Freedom of Access to Information and Resources), ALIA and the Australian Libraries Copyright Committee ran Cooking for Copyright Day on Friday 31 July. Participants were asked to cook from their own or one of 35 copyright-restricted recipes and share the results on social media. The report shares social media posts made in support of the Cooking for Copyright Day campaign.

Media Release, 8 July 2015: Cooking for Copyright Day 31 July

Media release on Wednesday 8 July 2015 on the announcement by FAIR (the campaign for Freedom of Access to Information and Resources) of Cooking for Copyright Day on Friday 31 July. The campaign is intending to use classic Aussie recipes for lamingtons, pavlovas, canteen biscuits and soldier cake tins to drive the copyright reform agenda. 

Media Release, 20 July 2015: Cooking for Copyright Day 31 July

Media release on Monday 20 July 2015 on the announcement by FAIR (the campaign for Freedom of Access to Information and Resources) of Cooking for Copyright Day on Friday 31 July. The campaign is intending to use classic Aussie recipes for lamingtons, pavlovas, canteen biscuits and soldier cake tins to drive the copyright reform agenda. 

Media Release, 27 July 2015: Cooking for Copyright Day 31 July

Media release on Monday 20 July 2015. The National Library of Australia has approximately two million unpublished works in its collection, which under Australian law are never released from copyright. To raise awareness of the issue and lobby for change, FAIR (the campaign for Freedom of Access to Information and Resources) has announced Cooking for Copyright Day on Friday 31 July, using vintage Aussie recipes from unpublished letters, diaries and manuscripts for lamingtons, canteen biscuits and carrot marmalade to drive the copyright reform agenda. 

Cooking for Copyright Day: Frequently Asked Questions

To raise awareness of the copyright law in Australia and lobby for change, FAIR (the campaign for Freedom of Access to Information and Resources) has announced Cooking for Copyright Day on Friday 31 July, using vintage Aussie recipes from unpublished letters, diaries and manuscripts for lamingtons, canteen biscuits and carrot marmalade to drive the copyright reform agenda. 
The document outlines and answers questions about the campaign and participation in it.

Cooking for Copyright Day Poster: A3 Size

To raise awareness of the copyright law in Australia and lobby for change, FAIR (the campaign for Freedom of Access to Information and Resources) has announced Cooking for Copyright Day on Friday 31 July, using vintage Aussie recipes from unpublished letters, diaries and manuscripts for lamingtons, canteen biscuits and carrot marmalade to drive the copyright reform agenda. 
This poster promotes Cooking for Copyright Day and ways to participate, sized to A3 dimensions.

Cooking for Copyright Day Poster: A4 Size

To raise awareness of the copyright law in Australia and lobby for change, FAIR (the campaign for Freedom of Access to Information and Resources) has announced Cooking for Copyright Day on Friday 31 July, using vintage Aussie recipes from unpublished letters, diaries and manuscripts for lamingtons, canteen biscuits and carrot marmalade to drive the copyright reform agenda. 
This poster promotes Cooking for Copyright Day and ways to participate, sized to A4 dimensions.

Sustainable Development Goals: Stretch Targets for Australian Libraries 2020-2030

10 Sustainable Development Goal stretch targets are proposed for libraries in Australia from 2020-2030, following a period of refinement from September 2019. Targets address literacy; access to knowledge; equitable access; culture and heritage; sustainable communities; contribution to health and wellbeing; diversity and gender equality; lifelong learning; and global citizenship. The report outlines activities and measurements to allow progress to be tracked. 
