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ALIA Library

Newsletter No.5 (February 1984)

Contents: successful breakfast AGM including talk by Carmen Hannaker on her role in the LAA General Council; CSIRO ceases Australian Science Index; proposal to form a Joint Australian Information Council; draft statement on volunteer workers in libraries; Executive: Susan Liepa, Joan Martin, Aina Zalitis, Stacey McKeown, Brenda Lee, Kathleen Gray, Sandra Russell, Anne Parkhowell, Enid Meldrum, Mary McGill.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.6 (April 1984)

Contents: general meeting selects Conference Planning Committee and hears report of Sandra Russell's exchange visit to Seattle, Washington; Andrew Rooke and Anne Parkhowell join Continuing Education Group; ACPAD (Australian Centre for Publications Acquired for Development) will accept unwanted books and journals; GRATISSA commences in South Australia.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.10 (March 1985)

Contents: statement on volunteer workers in libraries; guidelines on volunteer workers in libraries; librarians at bottom of stress scale; Executive: Joan Martin, Sandra Russell, Barbara Jacoby, Susan Liepa, Aina Zalitis, Andrew Rooke, Mary Arnold, Bronia Renison.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.11 (June 1985)

Contents: report on budgeting in small libraries; Working Parties: Standards: Jocelyn Dixon, Mary McGill, Pat Nakouz; Continuing Education: Andrew Rooke, Betty McNeice; Publications: Susan Leipa, Veronica Delafosse; Melbourne School of Nursing; inaugural meeting of WHIG (Welfare and Health Interest Group).
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.14 (May 1986)

Contents: report on natural therapy talk; transfer of nurse education from hospitals to colleges: problems of library resources; draft hospital standards; exclusive agencies for journal subscriptions; audio-visual copyright; courses in medical librarianship; proposal for Victoria to join GRATIS and GRATISSA interlibrary schemes.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.15 (August 1986)

Contents: report on serials with sanity; Anne Harrison Trust Fund approved; Victorian Minimum Standards for Hospital Libraries ratified by LAA General Council; report on Welfare and Health Information Group (WHIG); GRATIS interlibrary scheme not to proceed in Victoria; 2 reports from Darwin Biennial Conference; hospital library statistics; Victorian Allied Health Professionals Association; automation of Health Department Victoria libraries; Workcare.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.16 (November 1986)

Contents: report on developments in the National Library of Australia Life Sciences Section; Victorian Allied Health Professionals Association; Anne Harrison's name added to the LAA's 50th Anniversary guest list for 1988; hospital library statistics; quality review; PEARL (Periodicals Available in Regional Libraries) microfiche; medical librarianship journals and Victorian holdings; NETSDI on medical librarianship.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.17 (February 1987)

Contents: report on AGM; Executive: Veronica Delafosse, Enid Meldrum, Andrew Rooke, Sandra Russell, Jean Leith, Susan McNair; Recommended list of books, journals and reference material for small health science libraries available; duplicates list service discontinued by the National Libraray of Australia; hospital library statistics.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.18 (May 1987)

Contents: report on launch of Recommended list of books, journals and reference material for small health science libraries; report on Victorian Drug Information Centre, Royal Melbourne Hospital; report on CINAHL Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature); libraries with facsimile access (even though the fax machine is located outside the library); online ILL ordering via ELHILL; applications invited for the Anne Harrison Award; Victorian Allied Health Professionals Association; librarians and legal responsibility.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.19 (August 1987)

Contents: report on farewell for Pat Nakouz and HEAPS (Health Education and Promotion System); hospital statistics; combined presentation to the Law Librarians' Group; quality assurance sub-committee; alternative ILL schemes eg Central Medical Libraries Organisation and Victorian GRATIS ILL scheme; proposed CMLO ILL scheme; GRATIS/GRATISSA revisited; professional pay rates; union rationalisations; nursing education library facilities sub-committee; Australian Medical Libraries Group (ACT Branch) now called Australian Association for Health Literature and Information Sciences (AAHLIS); medical librarianship NETSDI output; Executive: Veronica Delafosse, Enid Meldrum, Andrew Rooke, Sandra Russell, Jocelyn Dixon, Sue McNair, Jean Leith.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.20 (November 1987)

Contents: report on Fiona Mackay Picken, visiting from the UK; Medical Association for the Prevention of War (Australia); report on 7th Biennial Australian Medical Librarians Conference, Adelaide; VAHPA professional rates; Medline on CD-ROM demonstration.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.28 (December 1989)

Contents: report of tour of Apollo-Moon Bookbinders; report of Country Librarians Seminar; report on Joint Conference of the Health Libraries Sections of ALIA and the NZLA; GRATISNET born to be national version; report on first National Library Promotion Forum; award restructuring; ACHS (Australian Council on Healthcare Standards) standards for library services.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.29 (March 1990)

Contents: Executive: Ruth Lawrence, Judy Stoelwinder, Jennifer Treller, Scott Holmes, Anne McLean; ALIA statement on professional ethics; report on Country Librarians' Seminar; changes to Australian Council on Healthcare Standards Library Service chapter; conspectus in Australia; NICAN (National Information Network) demonstrations.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.

Newsletter No.33 (February 1991)

Contents: Executive: Joan Martin, Ruth Lawrence, Enid Meldrum, Roxanne McIvor, Ann McGalliard, Jenni Rusciano, Jo Marshall, Anne McLean, Vanessa Craven, Jan Hindson; report on DA Books; daily/weekly statistics tally sheet; future of Australian Medline Network; Australian Council of Allied Health Professions.
Original document held in ALIA House, Canberra.
